Panel Talk: 2020 McKnight Book Artist Fellows

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Saturday April 23

2:00 PM  –  4:00 PM

Target Performance Hall
(located on the 2nd floor of Open Book building)
Saturday, April 23; 2–4pm CT

We invite you to join us for a public artist panel featuring our two 2020* McKnight Book Artist Fellows, Paula McCartney and Lisa Nebenzahl, in conversation with the visiting arts professionals who worked closely with them throughout their fellowship year, Allie Haeusslein and Susan kae Grant. After brief visual presentations by Paula and Lisa , the discussion will center around how their creative practices have evolved over their fellowship year, their artistic trajectory as a whole, and the relationships built between the McKnight Fellows and these professionals from the wider art world. Near the end of the conversation, there will be plenty of time for audience questions. Masks are required for this in-person event.

*This conversation is taking place at a later date than originally scheduled due to concerns around the Covid-19 pandemic.